How we make decisions

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 established the Board (HWBB) as a statutory executive Committee of the council. Principal roles for the Board are to ensure that resources to support health improvement and people’s quality of life are used efficiently and to their full potential; to produce a high-level Joint Strategic Needs Assessment of the health and wellbeing needs of the local population; and develop a joint health and wellbeing strategy to provide a framework and priorities for commissioning plans for the NHS, social care, public health and other related services.

The Board also looks to bring together the commissioning activities of local health bodies and the local authority where this aligns with delivery of the joint strategy, seeking value for money and equity of access and outcomes.

More details on the Health and Wellbeing Board

Contact Committee Services

Address: Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU