How we make decisions

Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee scrutinises the supporting corporate services of the council, and maintains a ‘strategic’ overview of the council.

The Committee holds responsibility for the scrutiny of Townships generally; corporate service development and delivery; partners or key contractors relevant to the work of the Committee; corporate performance monitoring, corporate finance monitoring and input into the annual budget development.

With regard to financial matters, , the Cabinet consults with the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on its budget proposals for the following financial year, before making a final recommendation to the full council for approval and adoption. The process for consulting the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is set out earlier in this Guide. During the year, corporate financial monitoring information is provided to the Committee on a regular basis. The Committee is able to call for more detailed reports on areas of identified concern, or refer such matters to a further Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Health, Schools and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Committee discharges the statutory health scrutiny functions of the council (excluding referrals to the Secretary of State, but including receipt of referrals from the local Healthwatch) and scrutinises local health services. The Committee also considers the work and policies of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and also the services provided by the council’s Adult Services and Children’s Services Directorates The Health, Schools and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee brings together developing linkages around the Health and Wellbeing Board such as integrated commissioning; joint interests such as safeguarding; the joint/partnership working with the Clinical Commissioning Group, and the existence of a common regulator (in the Care Quality Commission) across relevant council services and those of other parties who might be expected to have an involvement in the Committee.

The Committee also holds responsibility for the scrutiny of partners or key contractors relevant to the work of the Committee; and service performance monitoring. The Committee may also undertake its own studies and reviews.

In the role relating to health and wellbeing, the Committee links to the Greater Manchester Joint Health Scrutiny Committee, the Pennine Acute NHS Trust Joint Scrutiny Committee and the Pennine Care (Mental Health) NHS Trust Joint Scrutiny Committee; and may also seek contributions from the Care Quality Commission and/or non-NHS providers.

Communities, Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Communities, Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee brings together both the physical and skills aspects of economic regeneration, and the supporting work of services such as leisure, highways, housing, environmental services and so on, that provide the opportunities for work and the improvement of life experiences for communities.

The Committee holds responsibility for the scrutiny of economy and regeneration, safer Communities Partnership and related matters, partners or key contractors relevant to the work of the Committee; housing, highways, and environmental matters. The Committee may also undertake its own studies and reviews.

Council, Cabinet and Committees

Contact Committee Services

Address: Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU