How we make decisions

Meetings of the council

The full council – all 60 Councillors making decisions together – is the overall decision-making body.

The council is responsible for appointing the Leader of the council and the various Committees of the council, including the terms of reference of those Committees.

The full council meeting determines annual Budget and council Tax, including a number of plans that support the budget process. The council also determines the Policy Framework for the council, the items within the framework indicating, for example:

  • How services will be provided.
  • How the council will work with other partner organisations to achieve their joint aims.
  • How the council will monitor and improve its services.
  • How development of the physical environment will be controlled.

The council debates and determines recommendations from the Cabinet and Committees. The council also receives reports from the members of the Cabinet, from the Chairs of the Township Committees and of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees; and from representatives to other authorities and bodies.

Meetings of the council:

  • Annual council meeting - usually held in May when all the appointments to Committees and outside bodies are made and the new Mayor is installed.
  • Budget Fixing council – usually held in late February to approve the budget and set the council tax for the following financial year.
  • Ordinary meetings of council – four meetings generally held towards the end of each quarter, together with further meetings as may be required.
  • Extraordinary meetings – convened as required by law or the council’s constitution.

Contact Committee Services

Address: Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU