How we make decisions

Non-executive decision making

The council has established the following Committees to deal with matters that cannot, by law, be dealt with under executive arrangements. Membership of these Committees can be drawn from the full membership of the council, though the council has regard to guidance concerning executive member involvement in certain bodies.

Planning and Licensing Committee

This Committee deals with a range of issues, such as:

  • Determining those planning applications and related matters that cannot be determined at a Township level or by Officers as identified with the approve delegation arrangements for planning matters.
  • Responsibility for liquor and gambling licensing matters as the council’s statutory Licensing Committee (in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003).
  • Electoral matters.

Audit and Governance Committee

The Committee approves the council’s annual accounts, receives reports from the council’s external auditor, and has oversight of the council’s internal audit function, considering inspection reports and ensuring that action is taken to address issues raised; considering the effectiveness of risk management arrangements; and ensuring that issues raised are being addressed. The Committee also has responsibility for elected member conduct and ethical considerations, together with a number of related non-executive functions.

On the basis of guidance issued by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, the council does not appoint Cabinet Members to this Committee.

Audit and Risk Management Committee

Employment and Equalities Committee

The Committee considers staffing issues, including changes to corporate conditions of service for all employees, and certain industrial relations and equalities matters.

It is scheduled to meet four times per year, though ad hoc meetings would be arranged as required.

Employment and Equalities Committee

Appointment and Disciplinary Committee

These Committees are established on an ad hoc basis to deal with the recruitment and discipline of senior managers within the council.

Appeals Committee

Appeals Committees comprising at least 3 Members on a politically balanced basis are set up as and when required to deal with a range of appeals, including staffing appeals.

Dispute Committee

A Committee comprising 7 Members on a politically balanced basis is set up as and when required to deal with registered HR disputes.

Charitable Trustee Committee

A Committee undertaking the council’s where the council is identified as sole Trustee, including the consideration of proposals of the Cabinet where such proposals might conflict with the role of the council in its role as Charitable Trustee of land or another asset. On the advice of the Charity Commission, the council does not appoint Cabinet members to this Committee.

Charitable Trustee Committee

Contact Committee Services

Address: Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU