How we make decisions

Executive decision making

Leader of the council

The Leader of the council is appointed by the council for a 4-year term of office, subject to either the Leader resigning from the office, or ‘retiring’ as a member (as any councillor must do when their term of office is over prior to seeking re-election), or being removed from the office of Leader by the resolution of the council.

On appointment by the council the leader determines the executive arrangements for the council. These comprise of:

  • The appointment of the Cabinet
  • The appointment of one of those Cabinet members as Deputy Leader of the council
  • The allocation of a portfolio of  responsibility to those Cabinet members (Cabinet members as sometimes referred to as ‘Portfolio Holders’)
  • The allocation of delegated powers to Cabinet Members, Township Committees and Officers.

The Leader of the council may vary the executive arrangements at any time, and is not required to do so only at council meetings.

Contact Committee Services

Address: Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU