Communities of interest JSNA

Refugees, asylum seekers and international migration

Data on refugees in Rochdale borough is limited as once someone becomes a refugee they have to vacate asylum seeker accommodation and are free to move wherever they choose. In Quarter 1 2023, there were 851 asylum seekers in receipt of Section 95 support in the borough, a reduction from 956 seen in Quarter 4 2017 (Home Office Immigration Statistics, 2023).

The JSNA approach to inequalities

One of the key components of the JSNA is to identify inequalities in health and wellbeing experienced by different population groups in the local authority area.

We're often reliant on research and studies at a national level in order to identify examples of these inequalities. The findings are then applied to our population structure and added to our own local evidence in order to understand the inequalities present in these populations at a local level.

What are asylum seekers?

An asylum seeker is someone who has lodged an application for protection on the basis of the Refugee Convention or Article 3 of the European Court of Human Rights. They gain refugee status if they're subsequently recognised by the Home Office of satisfying the criteria of a refugee as described in the Refugee Convention.

Health issues common in asylum seekers and refugees

Asylum seekers and refugees represent some of the most vulnerable people in our society and consequently can often require complex health and social care needs. Health problems in these groups can develop due to difficulty accessing services, lack of awareness of entitlement, administrative issues and language barriers.

They're particularly at risk of developing mental ill-health. Consequently, problems such as depression and anxiety are common whilst post-traumatic stress disorder is thought to be under-diagnosed.

Statistics on asylum seekers and refugees

  • Immigration statistics - Quarterly release - this series brings together all documents relating to Immigration statistics quarterly release. Asylum data tables are available down to local authority level and can be found in volume 4 of Asylum data tables immigration statistics.

Guidance and information on asylum seekers and refugees

Contact Public Health and Wellbeing Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925035

Address: Public Health and Wellbeing
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm