Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) identifies key issues affecting the health and wellbeing of our residents, both now and in the future.
The term 'vulnerable groups' is broad and is used to highlight groups of people who may have different needs to other similar aged people. It doesn’t mean that every person belonging to that group is vulnerable. Vulnerable groups include the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community, homeless people, refugees, people of different ethnic backgrounds, ex-military personnel and people with disabilities.
The Communities of interest summary part of the JSNA highlights the key population groups who might have different needs compared to similar-aged people in the whole population. However, it has a particular focus on carers and their needs.
Statistics on communities of interest
- Office for National Statistics (ONS) - Census 2021 Statistics - the 2021 Census remains the most up to date source of data on communities of interest that covers the whole borough population and it is best accessed using the ONS Nomis platform.
- Office for National Statistics Cultural Identity Statistics - how people in the UK see themselves today in terms of ethnicity, sexual identity, religion and language, and how this has changed over time.
- Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) - Public Health Outcomes Framework Inequalities data - this data tool presents data for the indicators in the framework for the most recent period available and accompanying trend data where possible. Inequalities data are provided where these are available and can be selected by clicking the Inequalities tab when viewing the data.