Communities of interest JSNA

Black and minority ethnic groups

According to the 2021 Census, people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) group backgrounds make up 26 per cent of the borough of Rochdale population (Office for National Statistics).

The JSNA approach to inequalities

One of the key components of the JSNA is to identify inequalities in health and wellbeing experienced by different population groups in the local authority area.

We're often reliant on research and studies at a national level in order to identify examples of these inequalities. The findings are then applied to our population structure and added to our own local evidence in order to understand the inequalities present in these populations at a local level.

Health issues in black and minority ethnic groups

Research by the Black Health Agency for Equality in 2013 found that differences in the health of black and other minority groups are most prominent in the following areas:

  • Mental health
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease and related illnesses such as stroke
  • HIV
  • Tuberculosis
  • Diabetes

It also noted that the increase in the number of older black and other minority people in the UK is likely to lead to a greater need for the provision of dementia services as well as the provision of culturally competent social care and palliative care.

It's important to note that the latest borough-wide data on ethnicity, particularly at lower geographic levels, is from the 2011 Census and will continue to be for some time.

Statistics on black and minority ethnic groups

Guidance and information on black and minority ethnic groups

Contact Public Health and Wellbeing Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925035

Address: Public Health and Wellbeing
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm