Complain about a neighbour's hedge

After you make a complaint

After you make a complaint to us, we'll investigate and decide whether it's reasonable to say the hedge is having an adverse effect on your enjoyment of your property or garden.

We aim to make a decision within 3 months.

If we decide the hedge isn't affecting you, we'll write to you and explain our reasons why.

If we decide the hedge is affecting you:

  • We'll give the hedge owner a formal notice which says what action they have to take. This will be unique to your individual circumstances but could involve removing or trimming the hedge to a certain height.
  • It's an offence for the hedge owner to fail to comply with the works we've requested on our formal notice
  • If a court agrees to prosecute the hedge owner for not carrying out the work we've requested, they could receive a fine of up to £1,000. In this case, we'll then have the power to carry out the works and recover the costs from the hedge owner.

Appeal a decision

If you don't agree with our decision, you have the right to appeal within 28 days of receiving our decision letter.

You can appeal a decision if you're the person who made the complaint or the person who owns, rents or occupies the land the hedge is on.

Contact Development Management Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8873

Address: Development Management
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am