Complain about a neighbour's hedge

Make a complaint

Before you make a complaint

Before you complain to us, it's really important you first take steps to address the problem yourself. Steps you could take include:

  • Discussing the issue with your neighbour.
  • Writing a polite letter to your neighbour outlining your concerns.
  • Asking the hedge owner to lower their hedge.
  • Telling your neighbour you intend to complain to the council if the issue isn't resolved.
  • Keeping a record of all the actions and measures you've taken to compromise with your neighbour. We may refuse to get involved if we feel there's more you could do to resolve the situation.
  • Reading some of the government's guides and advice on how to deal with your neighbours over hedge disputes:
    • Over the garden hedge - a leaflet giving advice on how to talk with your neighbours amicably.
    • Hedge height and light loss - a guide to help you assess how high your neighbour's hedge should ideally be based on how much light it's blocking.

Cost of making a complaint

It costs £400 to complain to us about your neighbour's hedge.

This fee is non-refundable, even if we decide not to act on your complaint. You should think very carefully before complaining to us and consider involving us only as a last resort.

Empty properties

If your neighbour's property is empty, you can report this to us for free instead.

We have the powers to deal with empty properties that are causing a nuisance.

Complain about a neighbour's hedge

If you've been unable to come to an agreement with your neighbour, you can make a complaint to us. To do this:

  1. Complete the high hedges complaint form below and email or post it to us using the details on the form.
  2. Pay the fee. We won't proceed with your complaint until we've received your payment. You can:
    • Ring us using the details on this page to pay by credit or debit card or
    • Post a cheque to us using the details on this page. Please make cheques payable to Rochdale Borough Council.

Complain about a high hedge

Contact Development Management Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8873

Address: Development Management
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am