Domestic violence help
There's a range of support available to help victims of domestic abuse.
View available support
Safeguarding adults at risk
Report your concerns if you suspect an adult is being abused. We'll listen to you and help to stop the abuse.
Report abuse or concerns
Borrowing money and illegal money lending
If you're struggling with debts or regular outgoings you may be tempted to approach a loan shark when there are safe and legal avenues to explore to deal with money problems.
How to report a loan shark and borrow money safely
Help reduce fly-tipping
Find out how to dispose of large items safely without fly-tipping and how to check if a waste carrier is licensed.
More on reducing fly-tipping
Dog fouling
Report dog fouling in confidence today and we'll try to help you get it sorted.
Report dog fouling
Help and support
Emergency contact details
View the emergency and out of hours contact details for the council, housing repairs, utilities and more.
Early Help support for families
Your family can get help with a variety of issues you may need support for.
Mental health support
1 in 4 of us have problems with our mental wellbeing at some time in our lives. View some useful information or get practical support to help you or someone in your life.
Decision making
Policies, strategies and reviews
We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.
Councillors and committees
Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.