SEN education provision for young people aged 16-25

Apply for a placement or funding

Applications for high level needs funding:

  • Are made by the educational institution that the young person has been offered a place at.
  • Must be for a young person with an Education, Health and Care Plan.
  • Must be submitted on the V10 form.

If the placement is outside of Rochdale, you'll need to give evidence on why local provision cannot meet the young person's needs.

V10 application form and guidance for High Level Needs Funding

How your application is assessed

Applications will be assessed at panel meetings, to be chaired by the 16-25 Lead Commissioning Officer and will include representatives from Special Education Needs and Children with Disabilities, Children's Social Care, Adult Social Care and where applicable, the Commissioned Support and Guidance Provider.

High-Level Need Funding applications will be assessed against the following criteria, which have been agreed upon at Council Cabinet meetings:

  • The provision will meet the young people's education and learning outcomes.
  • The provision represents an effective use of public resources.
  • For any out of area placements
    • There is no local mainstream provision that is appropriate in quantity and adequate in quality to meet the young person's education and/or training needs.
    • The assessment of the young person's education and/or training needs demonstrates that an essential element can only be provided in a residential setting.
    • There is evidence that the young person has a medical and/or care need that cannot be addressed by local providers and that would prevent the young person from accessing education and/or training that was appropriate in quantity and adequate in quality to meet his/her needs.

Outcomes from the panel will be communicated to the educational institution and relevant partners by the 16-25 Lead Commissioning Officer. Out of area, Independent Specialist Placements will be communicated to the young person, their parent/carer and the educational institution.

Contact Education, Health and Care Team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925981

Address: Education, Health and Care Team
Early Help and Schools
Floor 4
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm