SEN education provision for young people aged 16-25

About SEN education provision for young people aged 16-25

​If you're a parent, carer or education provider for a young person aged 16-25 with learning difficulties or a disability, you can apply for 'High-Level Need Funding' to support their education and learning.

This applies when a young person's additional learning support costs more than £6,000.

We're responsible for agreeing to the funding and commissioning any placements, including those with an Individual Specialist Provider (ISP) which may involve residential accommodation.

Read about the new arrangements for funding Special Education Needs students

Process for high needs placements

The document below outlines the process for new placements at providers we commission for young people with learning difficulties or disabilities.

We created this process to ensure we have documented procedures in line with national policy to facilitate and record placement decisions.

High needs process

Contact Education, Health and Care Team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925981

Address: Education, Health and Care Team
Early Help and Schools
Floor 4
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm