Secondary school admission appeals

What to do after receiving the appeal decision

The decision of the independent appeal panel is binding on all parties.

Successful appeals

If your appeal is successful, you should contact the school admission authority to discuss the admission arrangements for your child.

Unsuccessful appeals

If your appeal is unsuccessful, you should make arrangements for your child to attend the school offered or discuss alternative school places with the School Admissions Team.

You can't appeal again for the same year group unless you've had a significant change in your circumstances, such as a change of address. In these circumstances, you’d need to reapply for a school place and the Admission Authority will have to accept a second admission application.


It is not possible to appeal the decision of the independent appeal panel.

If you think your appeal was handled incorrectly or have concerns about how the appeal was conducted, you can lodge a complaint.

If your appeal was for a local authority maintained school, you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman.

If your appeal was for an Academy or Free School, you can complain to the Department for Education.

If any maladministration is found to have occurred then these bodies can recommend that the admission authority review its appeal procedures. They may also instruct that the appeal hearing must be reheard with a different panel and clerk. However, they cannot overturn the original decision of the appeal panel.

Contact School Appeals

Address: School Appeals Team
Committee Services
Floor 2, Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU