Secondary school admission appeals

After you make a secondary school admission appeal

Once you've submitted the form:

  1. We'll arrange an online appeal hearing and send you an email telling you the date and time your appeal hearing will take place. We'll give you at least 14 days' notice. Included in this email will be a statement from the school admission authority explaining why they were unable to offer a place. This statement is also shared with the appeals panel.
  2. You’ll be asked to reply to the hearing invitation to confirm if you’ll be attending the meeting, or if you’re unable to attend in-person.
  3. The hearing will take place at the specified time. You don't have to attend but if you do, you'll be able to elaborate and clarify any questions the appeals panel may have.
  4. We'll notify you by email of the result of your appeal within 5 working days of the hearing. We're not able to tell you over the phone. 

When will I hear from you?

Unless we need to contact you for another reason, the first contact you receive from us will be the invitation to the appeal hearing. This may be some time after you submitted your appeal, as set out within the deadlines for appeals.

I submitted my appeal on the Parent Portal but haven’t heard from you?

Appeals can’t be made on the Admissions Parent Portal. If you’ve responded on the Parent Portal, this only tells School Admissions that you’re unhappy with your school offer. The Appeals Team don’t receive any information you send on the Parent Portal.

The only way to submit an appeal is to complete the online form. Appeal an admissions decision

Can I withdraw my appeal?

If you no longer want to appeal for the school you requested you can withdraw your appeal. You must email us at to withdraw your appeal application.

When will my appeal take place?

Appeals will be heard where possible within 30 school days (in-year transfers) or within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals (Year 7 admission). Hearings take place Monday to Friday during working hours, between 9am to 4pm.

If you’re unable to attend the meeting on the date and time informed then your appeal can be heard using your written application and any evidence you provide. You can also ask a friend or relative to attend the meeting on your behalf.

Due to the volume of appeals which take place and the process involved in arranging appeals, it is normally not possible for appeal hearings to be rearranged.

Contact School Appeals

Address: School Appeals Team
Committee Services
Floor 2, Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU