Apply for a year 7 secondary school place

Step 4 – after you apply

We'll start processing applications as soon as applications have closed.

All preferences for school places are looked at equally, regardless of whether you choose them as a first, second, third or fourth preference. Putting a secondary school first does not improve your chances of obtaining a place there.​

Please remember:

  • If it's possible to offer your child more than one secondary school place, you'll be offered the school that was ranked higher on your application.
  • For all schools where the total number of preferences received is equal to, or less than the number of places available (the published admission number), all applications who have expressed the school as a preference will be offered a place.
  • If the number of preferences is greater than the number of school places available, places will be offered in accordance with the school's admission criteria.

Schools in other local authorities

If you've chosen a foundation, voluntary aided, academy or a secondary school in another local authority, ​we'll liaise with the appropriate admission authority who'll consider your application against their admission policy.

They'll tell us what places can be offered.

Accepting your place

If you apply online, you can respond to your offer using the online service.

Otherwise, you'll be sent a letter to your home address which will include a slip on which you can submit to respond to your offer.


If your child is not offered a place at a preferred secondary school, you have the right to appeal against that decision to an independent appeal panel.

Waiting lists

Children are automatically put on a waiting list for any school they're formally refused at. Waiting lists for community and voluntary controlled schools are maintained by us in accordance with the over-subscription criteria. That waiting list is held for at least one term in the academic year of admission.

Waiting lists are not kept on a first-come, first-served basis. It's only ever possible to give an indication of your child’s position on a waiting list as they're subject to change. Applications with a greater claim for priority may be placed in a higher position on the waiting list. You can contact the school to find out where your child is currently ranked on the waiting list.

Please contact us if you no longer wish to remain on the waiting list for a particular school.

Foundation, voluntary aided schools and academies maintain their own waiting lists. If any vacancy becomes available, we'll confirm which child is top of the waiting list with the school before contacting you to offer the place.

Contact School Admissions services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0340

Address: Early Help and Schools
Floor 4
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–4.45pm