Apply for a year 7 secondary school place

Step 2 – before you apply

If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, they are usually due to transfer to secondary school in September 2025.

Admission policy

We're only responsible for the admission criteria and procedures in community and voluntary controlled secondary schools. ​We decide who's allocated a secondary school place based on the number of applications and the admissions policy.​​​​​​

Community secondary schools​​​

​​When a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan that names a specific school, the child will be allocated a place before any other places are allocated.

The remaining applications are considered in the following order of priority:

  1. ​Looked after and previously looked after children.
  2. Children with exceptional medical needs or exceptional welfare considerations which are directly relevant to the school concerned.
  3. Children with older siblings attending the school at the time of admission.
  4. Children eligible for the service premium.
  5. ​Relative proximity and ease of access.

​​Community schools admissions policy - contains more details of the criteria, how they're applied and which schools they apply to.​

​​Voluntary aided, foundation or academy secondary schools

If you wish to apply for a voluntary aided, foundation or academy school, it's essential that you read the admission policy before you submit your application. Some schools may require you to provide additional information to support your application.

Voluntary aided, foundation and academy secondary schools usually publish their admissions policy on their website.

Which local authority to apply to

​​​​​If you live in Rochdale borough, you apply to us even if the school you're applying for is in another local authority.

If you live outside of the borough and want to apply for a Rochdale borough school, you should apply to your home local authority who will notify us of your application.

​​​If you want to apply for an independent school, you'll ​need to apply to the school directly for a place, so you don't need to use our application form.

Address to use on your application

​​​​Please give the home address where the child and parent (or carer) normally lives. Not the address of a relative, childminder or parent the child does not normally live with.​ ​

We may need evidence such as bank statements, utility or council tax bills, or check the address against the electoral register and with benefits agencies if necessary.

If you apply using a false or intentionally misleading address and your child is offered a place, we'll withdraw the offer.​​

If your child lives with different parents or carers for part of the week:

  • We'll accept either address if legal arrangements are in place to support these instances.
  • If no legal arrangements exist, the home address where child benefit is paid will be used.

Applying twice

​​​​There should be only one application per child. If we receive more than one application, we'll only process one of them.

We'll send the offer letter to the child's main home address, but we'll try to send an additional letter if requested.​

Disagreeing on schools

We're not able to process applications if there's a conflict between parents about which school their child should attend. Please contact us if this might be the case.

If we receive applications with different preferences from each parent, we'll write to both of them and explain that their application can't be processed until an agreement is reached.

We'll need written confirmation from each parent corroborating their agreement or a court order following a parental dispute.​

If no agreement is reached then all preferences will be 'frozen' and a place will be offered at the nearest school to the child's home address with places available.

​For in-year admissions, children are expected to remain at their current school until there is written evidence submitted by the parents about their agreed preference, or an order is made by the court.

Choosing 4 different schools

We encourage parents to give 4 preferences for schools as we allocate places based on demand and the number of places available.

​If you only state one preference for your child and a place cannot be offered, we'll give your child a place at the next nearest school with spaces available.

You won't increase your chance of obtaining a place at any school by selecting one preference or the same school 4 times.​

If a school is oversubscribed, its admissions criteria will be used to work out who's offered a place.

If your choice has been refused, you have the right to appeal​.

Additional paperwork

The supporting evidence for community and voluntary controlled secondary schools should be sent to the admissions team.​​

​Other schools may require you to complete a supplementary form. You should check with the school to see if they require this. The forms are available from the school and should be returned directly to them​.​​

​If you're applying for a specific school on the basis of a medical or psychological condition, you'll be required to provide evidence of this directly to the school.​​​

Failure to provide relevant evidence may lead to your child missing out on a place at your preferred school.

Foundation, voluntary aided schools and academies - if you're applying for a place in a voluntary aided, foundation school ​or academy, you should send supporting information directly to them. We're not responsible for information sent to us in error.

Change of address

When completing the form you should bear in mind any plans you have for moving from your present address.

If you change your address between submitting your application and 15 December 2023, we can use your new address when allocating places, as long as you can provide proof of your new address. However, any change of preference submitted will be considered a late application.

Because the number of places available in each school is limited, it may not be possible to use your new address unless you quote your actual move date. You'll also need to provide written confirmation from your estate agent or solicitor that contracts have been signed and exchanged.

If you're renting a property we'll need a copy of:

  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Council Tax bill or child benefit entitlement
  • ​​The tenancy agreement for not less than 12 months covering the date your child will be admitted to school.

Amending your application

You can amend your online application at any time up to the closing date. After you re-open your application you must always submit your changes or they won't be saved and your application may not be processed.

Sign in to amend your application

After you submit your application, you'll get an email confirming that your changes have been received.

If you submit more than one​ application for your child, we'll process the most recent application.

Contact School Admissions services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0340

Address: Early Help and Schools
Floor 4
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–4.45pm