Changes in your circumstances for benefits

What you need to tell us

Don’t forget to tell us as soon as possible if your circumstances change.

Here are some examples of the types of changes that you need to tell us about:

  • A change to your home details: for example, you change address, your rent changes or you get a new landlord.
  • A change to you or your partner’s benefits: for example, you start or stop receiving Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance or Employment Support Allowance.
  • A change to you or your partner’s income: for example, your earnings change, you get a new job, you stop or start work or self-employment.
  • A change to you or your partner’s savings or capital: for example, you open a new bank account, you close a bank account, you buy or sell some property, you inherit property or the amount in your bank account increases or decreases.
  • A change to who lives with you: for example, someone moves in or moves out or a birth, bereavement, marriage or divorce.
  • A change affecting people who live with you: for example, they start or finish work, college or university, they have a change to their benefit, they claim a new benefit, or stop receiving a benefit, their income increases or decreases.
  • A change affecting your children: your child starts or changes school or college, you start or stop paying for childcare or the cost of childcare changes, your child benefit stops.
  • If you or your partner go abroad for more than 4 weeks, or you will be away from your home for more than 13 weeks but will not be going abroad.

If you’re not sure – tell us anyway.

Contact Revenues and Benefits Service

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8870

Address: Postal address
Revenues and Benefits Service
PO Box 490
Rochdale OL16 9AJ

Monday–Friday 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am