Changes in your circumstances for benefits

Report a change

You'll need to have a MyAccount to tell us about changes to your circumstances.

  1. Sign in or register for MyAccount using the link below.
  2. Add your benefits account, if you haven't done so already. You'll need your 9 digit benefits reference number which you can find on your notification letters. You'll also need to answer a few security questions.
  3. From your online benefits account, follow the link for report changes to your circumstances to complete the online form. 
  4. The form will automatically save every time you answer a question. This means you can resume a partially completed form when you log back in.
  5. Once you've completed the form, please read the evidence checklist at the end of the form carefully and make note of the evidence you'll need to provide to ensure there's no delay in updating your benefits. The evidence checklist will tell you how you can send your evidence to us.
  6. We'll process your change of circumstances. We aim to do this within 3 weeks of receiving your completed form and all required evidence. In some cases it can take longer.

Sign in or register for MyAccount to report a change of circumstances

Contact Revenues and Benefits Service

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8870

Address: Postal address
Revenues and Benefits Service
PO Box 490
Rochdale OL16 9AJ

Monday–Friday 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am