Heywood Phoenix Trust
There are 2 Trust Funds operated by the Heywood Phoenix Trust - the Heywood Relief in Need Trust Fund and the Heywood Educational Trust.
The Trust can:
- Help if you are facing financial hardship or distress.
- Provide either the funds for a specific purpose or supply goods or services, either directly or through a local supplier.
You must live or attend a school in Heywood to apply.
You may apply if you live temporarily outside the area at the discretion of the Trustees.
The Trustees do not provide funds for:
- Council Tax or other statutory payments, or charges imposed or benefits reduced due to Government policy.
- Payment of debts or fees for either Bankruptcy or Debt Relief Order processes.
- Repeat applications.
- The full cost of fees or expenses, unless exceptional hardship is shown on the application.
Please use the Heywood Phoenix Trust application form for both the Heywood Relief in Need Trust Fund and the Heywood Educational Trust.
Heywood Phoenix Trust application form
For more information, please email PhoenixTrust@outlook.com.