Modern slavery and human trafficking statement

We are committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms.

As a public authority, we recognise our responsibility to protect and uphold human rights within our operations, supply chains, and the communities we serve.

How we identify, prevent, and address modern slavery and human trafficking

In line with Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement outlines the steps we take to identify, prevent, and address modern slavery risks. These include:

  • Making anti-slavery measures part of our procurement processes to make sure our suppliers follow ethical practices.
  • Providing training and awareness for staff and partners to recognise and respond to signs of modern slavery.
  • Working with local agencies, including law enforcement, health services, and community groups, to support victims and disrupt exploitative practices.

We operate a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and trafficking. We're committed to fostering a safe and fair environment for all. Our policies, processes, and actions reflect this commitment and we will regularly review them to make sure they are working.

Training our staff about modern slavery and human trafficking

We provide an online learning course that is available to all our staff. The course aims to help our staff understand modern slavery, recognise how to identify modern slavery and let them know how they can raise any issues.

Between 2019 and 2024, 83.4 per cent of our staff completed the modern slavery course. 


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Contact Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team

Address: Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU