How we measure equity, diversity and inclusion

 We carry out research into different groups and analyse data to:

  • Identify where work needs to be done to tackle disadvantaged and low-represented groups in the community and our workplace
  • Try to make sure everyone gets equal access to our services

Gender pay gap reports

We're required to publish information relating to the average pay of our male and female employees from the last 5 years.

Workforce equality data 

From April 2011, the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty require us to publish different data about the people who make up our workforce.

The following reports show our progress and how our workforce diversity has changed. 

Data about who uses our services

Collecting service user data is important for making sure our services meet the needs of everyone in the borough. This data helps us understand who uses our services and find out what might stop some people from accessing them.

We look at things like age, sex and ethnicity to decide if we need to focus our services on particular groups of people.

Complaints, compliments and comments

We use your feedback on our services to find out what we're doing well and what we need to improve.

Some of our services, like adult and children's social care, publish data about the complaints, compliments and comments they receive. 

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) - key statistics and research

Our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is a profile of data about the health and wellbeing of the population of the borough of Rochdale. It aims to help with designing and delivering services and tackling health inequalities across communities in the borough.


Equity, equality, diversity and inclusion related content

Contact Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team

Address: Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU