Support for adults hurting someone they love

Domestic abuse doesn't have a gender. Both males and females can use harmful behaviour within their relationships.  This can also be found in same-sex relationships.

Facing up to a problem is the hardest part of the process of changing for the better. Once you're able to accept that your behaviour is harmful and requires improvement, support is available to help you make a positive change.

Recognise the signs - questions to ask yourself

You should ask yourself these questions to work out if you're behaviour is harmful towards someone:

  • Do you shout at your partner or ex-partner?
  • Do you emotionally harm your partner, or say things you later regret?
  • Do you act violently or aggressively towards your partner?
  • Do you smash things up?
  • Do you show no respect to your partner?
  • Do you have a problem with jealousy that impacts on your relationship?
  • Are you worried your behaviour is getting worse?
  • Are you concerned your children are regularly witnessing arguments?

If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", it may be that some of your behaviours are harmful. We can offer support with this.

Get help for domestic violence and abuse


Contact Domestic abuse help

In an emergency, dial 999 and ask for help. When you can't talk, dial 999 then press 55 when prompted. For non-emergency police assistance, dial 101 for the Greater Manchester Police Switchboard (24-hour service).