Are you worried someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse?

Worried an adult is suffering from domestic abuse

If you think a friend or family member is being abused, there's a lot you can do to help:

  • Speak to the person, and let them know they're not to blame and support is available.
  • Listen to them without judging.
  • Help them work out what they want to do.
  • Encourage them to seek help or call the police.
  • Call the police if you witness or hear assaults.
  • Provide help with safety planning.

How to tell if someone is a victim of domestic abuse

It's sometimes difficult to know if a relative, friend, neighbour or colleague is experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Victims, survivors and perpetrators come from various walks of life. Most people that experience relationship violence don't tell others about what goes on at home.

Here are some of the signs you can look for:

Injuries and excuses

  • Sometimes bruises and injuries may occur frequently and be in obvious places.
  • The victim may be forced to call in sick to work or face the embarrassment and make excuses about how the injuries occurred.
  • Sometimes bruises and other injuries may be inflicted in places where they won't show.

Low self-esteem

  • Some victims and survivors have low self-esteem. Others may have confidence and esteem in some areas of their life, for example, at work, but not in their relationship.
  • They may feel powerless in dealing with the relationship and believe they couldn't make it on their own or are somehow better off having the abuser in their life.

Personality changes

  • You may notice the person becomes quiet and shy around their partner and agrees with them all the time.
  • This could be a victim's way of dealing with abuse and not wanting to challenge the perpetrator for fear of repercussions.


  • You may notice someone taking all of the blame for things that go wrong.
  • They may share a story about something that happened at home and then say it was all their fault. If this happens a lot, it may be a sign that this person is experiencing domestic abuse.

Isolation and control

  • In general, adults who are physically abused are often isolated. The abuser often exerts control over their victim's life, wanting to be the centre of their universe and limit their access to anyone who might help them escape.
  • You might notice that someone:
    • Has limited access to the phone.
    • Often makes excuses about why they can't see you or insists that their partner has to come along.
    • Doesn't seem to be able to make decisions about spending money.
    • Isn't allowed to drive, go on courses or get a job.
    • Has a noticeable change in self-esteem which might include being unable to make eye contact or looking away or at the ground when talking.

Get help for domestic violence and abuse

Contact Domestic abuse help

In an emergency, dial 999 and ask for help. When you can't talk, dial 999 then press 55 when prompted. For non-emergency police assistance, dial 101 for the Greater Manchester Police Switchboard (24-hour service).