Youth Justice Service

The Rochdale Youth Justice Service is a multi-agency unit that aims to reduce the level and impact of youth crime in the Rochdale borough. ​​

Reducing youth crime is central to building safer communities and tackling the problem of social exclusion.

What we do

Our main aim is to reduce the number of youth offenders and their impact on the community.

To do this we:

  • Provide pre-sentence reports to courts to decide on suitable sentences
  • Supervise a range of court orders that help young people avoid further offending
  • Work to stop offending and antisocial behaviour before it starts
  • Provide services to young people between the ages of 10-17 years old who have committed offences
  • Offer support to families and victims of young people who have committed offences
  • Work alongside organisations that offer support and activities to young people
  • Support parents to deal with their child’s offending effectively
  • Work with young people who are awaiting sentences
  • Offer supervised homes for young people to live if they cannot live at home before their court date
  • Work with prison staff and others to prepare young people for when they are released to reduce the risk of them re-offending

Members of our Youth Justice Service

The Youth Justice Service is made up of staff from the:

  • Council’s Children's Social Care Service
  • Probation Service
  • Police
  • Education Service
  • Health Authority

Our principles

Our services are based on the following principles:

  • Offending by young people is a matter of serious concern to the community and requires agencies to work together to manage the problem effectively. 
  • Children and young people need help and support to develop into law-abiding adults. 
  • Young offenders are more likely to develop into law-abiding adults by remaining in the community rather than being removed from it. 
  • Custody has damaging effects and does not stop young people from re-offending.
  • The law states that custody should only be used as a last resort where the offending is persistent or serious or where the public needs protection from serious harm.
  • No young person should be the subject of discrimination because of race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability or any other improper ground at any stage of the justice process.

Complain about our service

If you feel unhappy about the way you have been treated you have the right to talk to the Youth Justice Service Manager about this. They will take your complaint seriously.

There is also a formal complaints procedure, a copy of which you should receive at the start of your Order.

Contact Youth Justice Service

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925353

Address: Rochdale Youth Justice Service
Fashion Corner
57–59 Drake Street
Rochdale OL16 1XL

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm