Hate crime

About hate crime

A hate crime is any behaviour that someone thinks was caused by hostility, prejudice or hatred of:

  • Alternative subculture including goths, emos, punks and metallers
  • Disability including physical impairments, mental health problems, learning disabilities, hearing and visual impairment
  • Gender identity includes people who are transgender, transsexual or transvestite
  • Race, skin colour, nationality, ethnicity or heritage
  • Religion, faith or belief, including people without a religious belief
  • Sexual Orientation, people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or heterosexual

There are lots of different types of Hate Crimes. These could include:

  • Physical attacks - such as physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti, neighbour disputes and arson.
  • Threat of attack - including offensive letters, abusive or obscene telephone calls or text messages, groups hanging around to intimidate and unfounded, malicious complaints.
  • Verbal abuse or insults - offensive leaflets and posters, abusive gestures, offensive comments and/or name calling, dumping of rubbish outside homes or through letterboxes and bullying at school or in the workplace.

Mate Crime involves someone befriending a person in order to abuse them.

Victims and perpetrators

A victim is any person who lives, works or visits the borough of Rochdale and is subjected to a hate motivated incident or crime. A victim is also someone who witnesses another person being subjected to a hate motivated incident or crime.

A perpetrator or offender is any person who commits acts of hatred against other people because of their race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, faith or religion, age, gender, sexuality or disability.

Contact Community Safety and Resilience Service

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8878

Address: Community Safety and Resilience Service
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–4.30pm