Pending alcohol and entertainment licence applications

Current pending applications

These are the pending licence applications under the following legislation:

  • The Licensing Act 2003
  • The Gambling Act 2005

We aim to update this list within 3 working days of receiving an application.

This is a list of pending licensing applications only. If you'd like to see licences that we've granted, view the register of licence holders.

Name of premises: Littleborough Cricket Club
Address: Denhurst Road, Littleborough OL15 9LD
Type of application: time limited licence
Name of applicant: MBG LG Promotions Limited
Provisions applied for: annual Little Glastonboro Festival site
Last date for representations (either in support or against it): Wednesday, 2 April 2025

Name of premises: Moody Blue
Address: 1 Drake Street, Rochdale OL16 1RE
Type of application: new
Name of applicant: Moody Blue Rochdale Limited
Provisions applied for: new premises with licensed restaurant and bar
Last date for representations (either in support or against it): Thursday, 10 April 2025

Contact Licensing Unit

Address: Licensing Unit
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU