Money, debt and benefit advice

Help with childcare costs

Childcare can be expensive but help is available:

Tax Credits help

Tax Credits may help you with childcare costs.

If you're a student and have a child

There are some schemes and grants available to you if you're a student and a parent.

  • Care to Learn - if you're under 20, a parent and studying a course, this scheme can help pay for your childcare and travel costs up to £160 a week.
  • Discretionary Learner Support - if you’re aged 19 or over, on a further education course and facing financial hardship, you could get Discretionary Learner Support (DLS).
  • Childcare Grant - you may be eligible for help with your learning costs if you are a full-time higher education student and have children under 15, or under 17 if they have special educational needs.
  • Parent's Learning Allowance - you may be eligible for help with your learning costs if you’re a full-time student with children. How much you get depends on your household income.

Benefits and money related content

Contact Cost of Living Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 923685

Lines are open Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm.