Discretionary Housing Payment

Before you apply

Before applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment, you may want to:

Information and documents you'll need

If you decide to apply, you'll need the following information available before you start your application:

  • A detailed breakdown of all the income you receive, your expenses, your savings and your debts, including:
    • The exact amount you receive either weekly or monthly from all your wages, pensions and benefit payments.
    • The exact amount you spend either weekly or monthly on household expenses. This includes rent, Council Tax, water, gas, electricity, food, phones, internet, TV licence, TV packages, home insurance, life insurance, clothes, car expenses, bus fares, taxi fares, meals at work, school meals and childcare costs.
    • The exact amount of savings you and any partner who lives with you has.
  • Names, dates of birth and income details for everyone who lives in your home
  • Proof of any debts or rent arrears you have, such as an arrears statement
  • Why you think you need extra help to meet your housing costs
  • If you receive Universal Credit, your latest Universal Credit award letter and proof of how much your rent is, such as a copy of your tenancy agreement
  • If you rent your home, the name of your landlord
  • If someone provides care and support for a member of your household, their name and address
  • Account number and sort code for the account where you would like your payments made

Contact Revenues and Benefits Service

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8870

Address: Postal address
Revenues and Benefits Service
PO Box 490
Rochdale OL16 9AJ

Monday–Friday 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am