If you look after an adult who couldn’t manage without your support, we want you to know there is support available.
We recognise and value the roles of carers and are fully committed to improving the lives of carers. We’re here to support you and help make things easier where we can.
Check if you're eligible for support as a carer
You need to meet the following 3 criteria to receive support as a carer:
- You need support because you're providing necessary care for another adult.
- You can't achieve one or more of the following because you're providing care for another adult:
- Caring for a child
- Continue to provide care to other people who need you
- Maintain a habitable environment at home, whether or not this is also the home of the adult you care for
- Manage and maintain your nutrition
- Maintain family and personal relationships
- Engage in work, training, volunteering and education
- Use facilities or services in the local community like leisure centres or community groups
- Engage in recreational activities
- As a result of providing care and not being able to achieve one or more of the above, your well-being is being affected.
Carer's Personal Budgets
A Carer's Personal Budget is a payment that we give to you to help make your caring role a little easier. It gives you a greater choice and helps you take control over how your needs are met.
Your personal budget:
- Can be up to £250.
- Will be paid by us into your bank account once in a 12-month period.
- Can only be spent on you.
- Be used to take a break from your responsibilities.
- Must be spent within 12 months of receiving it.
- May be subject to an audit, which may require you to send all receipts and proof of purchases made with the money we give you.
- View our Carer's Personal Budgets Policy
Get in touch with us using the contact details on this page to find out more about Carer's Personal Budgets.
Carer's Allowance
If you're over 16 and spend over 35 hours a week caring for someone who gets certain benefits, you could get a Carer's Allowance from the government.
You can claim a Carer's Allowance and be entitled to help from us.
Get support from the Carers' Hub
The Carers' Hub exists to make sure that carers of all ages have access to information, advice and a wide range of support services.
Respite and taking a break from your care responsibilities
We know it can be hard work being a carer. Sometimes you need a break for your own health and wellbeing.
We can provide services that allow you to take a break that can be funded by using your Carers Personal Budget
Help to shape our services
We believe people should be at the heart of everything we do. This means involving people in decisions about how Adult Social Care services are delivered, to make sure that people feel safe, receive high-quality care and support and have choices about their care.
Other websites offering support for carers
You can find more useful information, advice and support at these websites:
Grants and funding for carers
If you're an organisation that provides support for carers, Action Together can help you to find support and funding.
We've been able to provide funding for services like:
- Group sessions for older adults
- Support for older adults who've recently been discharged from hospital
- Support for young Black and ethnic minority carers
- A handyperson service to help vulnerable people live safely at home
We partner with Action Together to secure funding for carers in the borough of Rochdale.
Become a Carer Champion - training for health professionals
We want to support unpaid carers in our community by encouraging health and social care professionals to become Carer Champions.
Over 100 people from various services in the borough act as Carer Champions. This includes GP practices, district nurses, hospitals, voluntary sector organisations, schools, and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities services.
We offer training every 2 months for professionals, which can be attended in person or online. Training is provided by N-Compass.