About this event
A drop-in event for residents and professionals of the borough of Rochdale with demonstrations of Assistive Technology. No appointment needed.
- Who is this event suitable for? For adults, families, carers, professionals and businesses.
- Booking required: No, you can just drop in.
- Directions: Get directions to Number One Riverside on Google Maps
- Contact: adult.care@rochdale.gov.uk
- Event organiser: Rochdale Borough Council
See how the changes in Assistive Technology can support them to remain safe and independent in their own home with these devices.
You can come and view and demonstrate the different equipment to see how it could help you maintain your independence in your own home and keep your out of hospital. Our colleagues will be on hand to answer any questions.
Events and activities are not organised by Rochdale Borough Council unless stated otherwise. Neither is Rochdale Borough Council responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. If you are under 18, ask your parent or guardian before taking part in any event or activity.