The borough plan is called With Everyone, For Everyone and sets out our long-term vision and aims for the borough, to be delivered by the council, partners and residents through cooperative ways of working.
The People, Place and Planet plan sets out the council’s contribution to achieving the borough aims, including providing good quality services, support to meet residents’ needs and transforming how we work.
- Admission Arrangements Policy
- Adult Care Charging Policy
- Adult Care Complaints Policy
- Adult Carers' Strategy
- Adult Social Care - Local Account
- Adult Social Care Provider Workforce Development Strategy
- Adult Social Care Strategy
- Affordable Warmth Strategy
- All Age Prevention Strategy
- Alleygating Policy
- Alternative Provision Strategy
- Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy
- Anti-Poverty Strategy
- Antisocial Behaviour Policy
- Antisocial Behaviour Strategy
- Application to a Supervisory Body for Deprivation of Liberty Authorisation from a Managing Authority
- Asset Management Plan and Strategy
- Borough plan
- Capital Investment and Disposal Strategy
- Care Leaver's Strategy
- Carers' Personal Budgets Policy
- Channel Panel Policy and Prevent Duty - Counter-Terrorism Strategy
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Local Transformational Plan
- Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
- Children in Care Sufficiency Strategy
- Children's Social Care Services
- Civil Penalties Policy
- Clean Air Plan
- Climate Change Strategies
- Co-Production Charter
- Code of Corporate Governance
- Code of Practice for Town Planning Enforcement Service
- Communications Strategy
- Community Schools Admissions Policy
- Community-Led Housing Report
- Conduct of Covert Surveillance and Covert Human Intelligence Sources Policy
- Contaminated Land Strategy
- Contract Procedure Rules
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak Control Plan
- Corporate Complaints Policy
- Corporate Debt Management Policy
- Corporate priorities for Rochdale Borough Council
- Council Tax Discount Policy for Care Leavers
- Council Tax Empty Property Charges Policy
- Deferred Payments Policy
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Policy
- Digital Strategy
- Disabled Facilities Grants Policy
- Disciplinary procedure
- Discretionary Council Tax Discount Policy for Demand Notices