School performance and improvement

Improving schools

We want all schools in the Rochdale borough to perform to their full potential.

To help achieve this we have a School Improvement Team who provide:

  • Support and monitoring for schools causing concern.
  • Support for headteacher recruitment, induction and newly qualified teachers.
  • An annual cycle of link officer visits.
  • Management and implementation of statutory requirements.
  • Management and implementation of Education Development Plan activities.

School Improvement Officers

Each School Improvement Officer is attached to a group of schools. For each school the officer will:

  • Monitor school performance.
  • Make a half-day visit in the Autumn Term to carry out a Joint Annual Review discussion involving representatives of governors and members of the Senior Management Team to review progress and set challenging targets.
  • Make a half-day visit in the summer term to support school self-evaluation
  • Attend post-OFSTED feedback to governors.
  • Coordinate the implementation of CSA support plans where schools are allocated additional CSA support.
  • Provide telephone advice on curriculum and management issues.
  • Act as the Chief Education Officer's representative in Headteacher appointments and where appropriate Deputy Headteacher appointments.
  • Provide advice and support in relation to capability or underperformance issues.
  • Provide support and advice to new and acting headteachers.

In addition, each School Improvement Officer will support the implementation of the national strategies by making a half-day strategy monitoring visit every term to a targeted sample of schools focusing on:

  • Autumn term – Primary numeracy and literacy.
  • Spring term – Key Stage 3 strategy and ICT.
  • Summer term - Primary numeracy and literacy.

Contact Early Help and Schools Services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8801

Address: Early Help and Schools
Floor 4
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm