Deprivation in Rochdale borough

Find out about deprivation in Rochdale borough.

Briefings on deprivation

Our briefings give details about deprivation in the borough and how we're performing.

It includes information about which areas of the borough are the most deprived, how we score in different areas, how we compare to other areas in Greater Manchester and more.

Deprivation briefings for Rochdale borough

Most and least deprived areas in England

The government publishes the ranks of all the council areas in England from the most deprived to least deprived in the indices of deprivation.

Indices of deprivation are published every 4 years.

Health deprivation

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is working on a report about health and wellbeing deprivation in Rochdale borough.

This report is specific to public health and it's used to make recommendations about what health services should get more funding in the borough.

Contact Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team

Address: Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU