Other accessibility statements
Please find below a list of other council websites including partner sites and third-party sites delivered on our behalf. You'll generally find the link to the accessibility statement on external sites in either the header or footer of each site.
- Adoption Now
- Benefit claims – making benefit claims
- Consultations
- Invest in Rochdale – lead organisation driving regeneration and development in the borough of Rochdale
- Libraries – BorrowBox – search and read eBooks
- Our Rochdale – lists local services relating to health care providers, adult social care, children's social care, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), Local Offer, Ofsted registered childcare providers and other services for local Rochdale families
- Payments
- Rochdale Town Hall
- Visit Rochdale – things to do and see for both residents and visitors
Reporting an accessibility problem on a public sector website
You have a right to use (or 'access) online public sector information and services. This means that public sector websites and mobile apps should be easy to use.