
Are you planning on travelling abroad?

If you’re planning to travel outside the UK you may need to be vaccinated to protect you against infections. Some countries require proof of vaccination before you enter or when you leave a country.

You can contact your GP practice to find out if your UK vaccinations are up-to-date. If you need to be vaccinated you should get in touch with your GP practice 6 weeks in advance. Vaccinations are not available as urgent or on the day appointments and vaccination clinics are scheduled on a monthly basis across most GP practices. Alternatively, you can receive most travel vaccinations from your local chemist, although these are private clinics and you will have to pay for the service.  

Decision making

  • cartoon image of people with a giant filing system

    Policies, strategies and reviews

    We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.

  • Illustration of figures linked together.

    Councillors and committees

    Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.