Special educational needs

Help and support

  • 2 schoolchildren waiting for the bus.

    Travel expenses

    We offer school travel support to certain families. Find out what we offer and if you're eligible.

  • A row of smiling schoolchildren.

    Paying for school uniforms

    School uniforms and all the extras can be expensive. Read some advice which may help you reduce some of the costs.

  • A carer feeding an elderly patient.

    The Carer's Hub

    The Carer's Hub provides a single point of access to information and support for young and adult carers in the borough.

Decision making

  • cartoon image of people with a giant filing system

    Policies, strategies and reviews

    We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.

  • Illustration of figures linked together.

    Councillors and committees

    Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.