School governors

Meetings and time you'll need to commit

The time you commit will vary depending on the school, its needs, and whether you decide to take on a role with more responsibility, such as a chair or vice-chair of the governing board.

At a minimum, you'll be expected to:

  1. Attend at least one full governing board meeting each term. Find school term dates in the borough
  2. Serve on at least one committee such as Resources, Curriculum or Admissions. Committees meet at least once every term.
  3. Spend time getting to know your school well.
  4. Take part in training to support your skills and knowledge.

Location and length of meetings

Meetings will usually be held at the school in the evening, outside school hours.

They'll run for 1-2 hours.

How long you'll be a governor for

School governors usually stay in the role for 4 years. 

Contact HR and Governor Support Team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925161

Address: HR and Governor Support Team
Early Help and Schools Service
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm