How to apply for a school place (in-year)

Follow the 4-step process for applying for a school place (in-year)

Use the links below to follow the 4-step process for applying for a school place in-year.

Step 1 – decide on a preferred school

Before deciding on which school you would like to apply for, you should find out about the different types of schools and do some research. This will help you make the right choice for your child.

Step 2 – what you need to know before applying for a school place (in-year) 

Information about how to apply and frequently asked questions about applying for a school place (in-year).

Step 3 – apply for a school place (in-year)

Make your application for a school place (in-year).

Step 4 – what happens after you apply for a school place (in-year) 

What happens after you've applied, when you'll receive your offer of a place, how to accept the offer, waiting lists and appeals.


Contact School Admissions services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0340

Address: Early Help and Schools
Floor 4
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–4.45pm