Providing musical instrument lessons in school

About offering musical instrument lessons in school

This page is intended for use by those working in schools across the borough of Rochdale and Whitworth.

If your school takes Rochdale Music Service instrumental tuition service, Rochdale Music Service can provide you with musical instrument lessons at your school.

How can schools offer music lessons in school?

  1. Make sure instrumental tuition service is part of your music package with the Music Service. Learn about creating a music package
  2. Download and print off our 2 forms below - the music lessons in schools form and the conditions for loan of a musical instrument form.
  3. Give a copy of each form to the parent or guardian of any child who wants to learn an instrument. These completed forms need to be returned to you.
  4. Send us the completed forms. We will take payment either by invoicing you, or collecting the fee directly from the parents, depending on how this has been agreed.
  5. When we've received the completed forms and fee, we'll arrange a teacher to come and deliver music lessons.

Music lessons in school form

At what age can children start to have music lessons?

The Music Service has no minimum age requirement for learning musical instruments but you'll need to check your own school's relevant policy.

Contact Rochdale Music Service

Telephone: Click to call 01706 926750

Address: Rochdale Music Service
7–11 The Butts
Rochdale OL16 1XT

Office hours – term time only:
Monday–Friday: 8.30am–4pm
Saturday: 8.30am–12noon