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Play the organ

The organ is a keyboard instrument with pedals. Organs are commonly played in churches and concert halls and are the largest instruments we use. Organs work by passing air over pipes of different lengths.

The organ is the oldest piano family instrument, dating back to around 220BC. Mozart called the organ 'the king of instruments'. Like pianos the organ is complete in itself and has a wide repertoire of music as well as being used to accompany singing and also, on occasion, as part of an orchestra. Smaller theatre organs were once played live to accompany silent films.

An organ.

How does the organ sound?

Contact Rochdale Music Service

Telephone: Click to call 01706 926750

Address: Rochdale Music Service
7–11 The Butts
Rochdale OL16 1XT

Office hours – term time only:
Monday–Friday: 8.30am–4pm
Saturday: 8.30am–12noon