Borrowing a music instrument

Lost or damaged instruments and insurance

Where a loaned instrument is lost or damaged you must always inform Rochdale Music Service immediately.

  1. If the repair is needed because of fair wear and tear, bring the instrument back to Rochdale Music Centre during term time and we'll arrange for it to be repaired free of charge.
  2. In other cases of damage or loss, we may charge you a fee for the repair or replacement of the instrument.

Is my loaned instrument insured by Rochdale Music Service?

No, Rochdale Music Service doesn't insure instruments on loan.

  1. If your child is having lessons at school, you should contact the school to see if their insurance policy covers this. 
  2. You may wish to check to see if your existing house contents insurance covers this.
  3. If neither of the above apply, you may want to take out insurance to cover the loaned instrument.
  4. If your loaned instrument is lost or damaged and isn't insured, you may be liable for the cost of replacing or repairing it.

Contact Rochdale Music Service

Telephone: Click to call 01706 926750

Address: Rochdale Music Service
7–11 The Butts
Rochdale OL16 1XT

Office hours – term time only:
Monday–Friday: 8.30am–4pm
Saturday: 8.30am–12noon