Book voice and singing lessons

About voice types

What are the voice types?

How do I find my voice type?

Your voice tutor will work with you to find your distinct voice type. The sound of your voice is unique and voice type is based on several factors including:

  • Range – the notes that each voice can sing
  • Agility – the speed and movement between notes
  • Weight – the heaviness or lightness of a voice
  • Timbre – how each voice sounds, the texture and quality
  • Tessitura – the part of the voice that is most comfortable
  • Vocal registers – the size of each area within a voice
  • Transition areas – where each voice changes between chest voice, middle register and head voice

It's important to remember that whilst bodies finish developing after puberty which varies from person to person, voices are similarly variable. They tend to finish developing anywhere between the ages of 25 to 40 and some take even longer. With this in mind please be aware it's very common for vocal ranges to change with age.

Contact Rochdale Music Service

Telephone: Click to call 01706 926750

Address: Rochdale Music Service
7–11 The Butts
Rochdale OL16 1XT

Office hours – term time only:
Monday–Friday: 8.30am–4pm
Saturday: 8.30am–12noon