Brownfield Land Register

About the Brownfield Land Register

In April 2017, the government introduced a requirement for Local Planning Authorities to publish a Brownfield Land Register.

The Brownfield Land Register is a list of brownfield land in Rochdale borough which we think may be appropriate for future housing development.

Brownfield land is land that has previously been developed on but is now empty, derelict or has potential for re-development.

Parts 1 and 2

The Brownfield Land Register consists of 2 parts:

  • Part 1 - lists all brownfield sites we consider appropriate for future housing developments. The inclusion of a site in part 1 of the register doesn't grant any sort of planning permission and it doesn't mean that planning permission would necessarily be granted on application. 
  • Part 2 - lists brownfield sites from part 1 of the register which we've given permission in principle to. Before moving sites to part 2 of the register, we'll hold a local consultation so we can hear your views on the use of the land before granting permission in principle.

Deciding what goes on the register

To be considered suitable to be included on the Brownfield Land Register, sites must be capable of accommodating 5 or more houses or flats or be more than 0.25 hectares in size.

We're also likely to include sites that either have existing planning permission or have been previously identified as being suitable for development within our Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).

The SHLAA is available in the housing section of our evidence base.

Contact Strategic Planning team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 924252

Address: Strategic Planning
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9.15am–5.15pm