
​The borough of Rochdale enjoys excellent transport links for drivers thanks to the M62 motorway south of the town.

Plan your journey by car

It's a good idea to plan your route before you set off.

Use Google Maps to plan your journey

Car parks

There are many car parks across the borough.

Some of our car parks offer you FREE parking for up to 3 hours.

Locations and details about council car parks


Find out if there are any road closures in Rochdale borough that might affect your journey.

View planned roadworks

Snow and winter conditions

From mid-October to mid-April the cold weather can cause problems when driving.

Our gritting and winter service updates include:

  • Gritting routes for the borough
  • Severe weather warnings
  • Advice for driving in snow or ice
  • How to tell if your car is ready for winter

Cold weather and driving - warnings and advice from the Met Office

View gritting and winter service updates