Parking fines

Frequently asked questions

How do I pay my parking fine?

We accept payments online, by automated telephone and at the Post Office and PayPoint outlets. If paying at the Post Office or a PayPoint outlet, you'll need your bar code which can be found on your parking Penalty Charge Notice.

What's my PCN number and how do I find this?

Your PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) number should be displayed on your documentation and always start with the letters RE. If you’re struggling to find this, please use the contact details on this page to get in touch. You’ll need to provide us with your vehicle registration number so we can check for any Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) issued to that vehicle.

How do I appeal a parking fine?​

You'll need to make an appeal in writing.

How do I qualify for the discount?

To qualify for the discount of 50 per cent you'll need to pay within 14 days from the date the Penalty Charge Notice was issued.

Can I pay in instalments?

Once the discount period has expired, a payment plan may be considered if you are in receipt of a means-tested benefit. You'll need to send relevant evidence to us by post using the contact details on this page.

Can I pay at the discounted rate to stop the charge from progressing and then still appeal?

No. Once you've paid, you accept liability and the case is closed.

I thought could park in a loading bay for the allowed time of 20 minutes

There is no parking in loading bays. Loading areas are there to enable delivery vehicles to operate without holding up traffic. We don't limit the time you may spend in a loading bay as long as you're constantly loading or unloading.

What is meant by loading and unloading?

The term loading and unloading is strictly reserved for large, bulky articles which can't be physically carried over a great distance. Shopping or depositing cash doesn't count as loading or unloading.

I didn't park on double yellow lines – I parked on the footpath behind them. So why I did get a fine?

A yellow line restriction runs from the centre of the road to the end of the carriageway or highway. This is usually the building or property line.

Why do I have to pay for parking?

Fees are applied to better manage parking spaces to help accommodate as many visitors and shoppers to the town as possible.

The fees collected are used towards the maintenance of council car parks.

My meeting or doctor's appointment overran. Do I still have to pay?

Yes. It's your responsibility to make sure you buy enough parking time to cover the time of your stay bearing in mind appointments could overrun.

I was only just over the bay markings when parked. Do I still have to pay?

Yes. Bay markings are there to ensure safety and prevent inconvenience to other users of the car park.

I'm new to the area and didn't know about the restriction. Do I still have to pay?

Yes. Parking restrictions are displayed on the time plate at the side of the road and indicated by markings on the carriageway. The car park's terms and conditions are also displayed on the tariff board.

My blue badge fell to the floor when I closed the car door. Do I still have to pay?

No. You'll need to make an appeal in writing.

I wasn't the driver, am I still liable?

Under the Traffic Management Act 2004, the registered owner or keeper of the vehicle is liable for any Penalty Charge Notices unless there is a signed hire agreement in place or the vehicle has been taken without consent. In these cases, we need a police crime reference number.

I sold the vehicle but don't know the name and address of who sold it to. What should I do?

When you sell or dispose of a vehicle you have legal obligation to inform the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA). We need written confirmation from (DVLA)​​ that you were not the registered owner or keeper of the vehicle at the time the contravention occurred if we are to redirect the notice. If you don't provide this information you may be liable for the charge.

What happens if I ignore the Penalty Charge Notice?

Please don't ignore it. The notice could end up being registered as civil debt at the county court. If this happens, bailiff action could be taken.

How do we spend the money generated from civil parking enforcement?

The law says that civil parking enforcement must be self-financing. Any surplus is used for implemented transport management schemes. This includes parking, traffic management, better public transport and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

Where can I get copies of the legislation?

The procedures for issuing Penalty Charge Notices are contained in the Traffic Management Act 2004.

How do I report problematic parking areas where parking restrictions are in force?

Contact us and tell us what the problem is, where and when it happens.

If there are problems with parking and there are no parking restrictions in force check the Greater Manchester Police website for advice.

Contact Parking Services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879

Address: Parking Services
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am