Blue Badges

Offences and Blue Badge laws

The Blue Badge is only for you to use. You should still obey the rules of the road when you're using a Blue Badge.

It's against the law to:

  • Use your badge if you're just waiting and not planning on leaving your car.
  • Use your badge when it's expired.
  • Sell your badge to someone else.
  • Use your badge to park somewhere unsafe or where you'll cause a hazard to other road users.
  • Let someone else use your badge when they're doing something on your behalf, such as shopping while you stay at home.
  • Let non-disabled people take advantage of the benefits while you sit in the car.
  • Let other people use your Blue Badge when you're not there.

Fine for misusing your badge

You can face a fine of up to £1,000 for misusing your Blue Badge, in addition to any penalties for parking offences.

Contact Blue Badge Applications Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8870

Address: Blue Badge Applications
PO Box 615
Rochdale OL16 9TF

Opening hours:
Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Mondays 11am–11.30am