Invite the mayor

You need to give us at least one month's notice to request the attendance of the Mayor and Mayoress.

If you send an invite with less than one month's notice, we'll still try to consider your request. However, we'll prioritise the invitations we receive on time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Request the attendance of the Mayor and Mayoress

Tips for receiving the Mayor

This is the protocol you should follow at civic engagements:

  1. The Mayor/Deputy Mayor should always be met, at the agreed place, on arrival at an engagement by a nominated host.
  2. The Mayor/Deputy Mayor should always be accompanied throughout their visit and never left on their own unless agreed with the Mayor/Deputy Mayor.
  3. The Mayor/Deputy Mayor should always have all relevant background information about the event (and about the host organisation where appropriate) including an itinerary for the visit if applicable, well before the event (information to be forwarded to the Mayor’s Personal Assistant).
  4. If you have asked the Mayor/Deputy Mayor to make a speech please ensure that a briefing is given prior to the date so that the information can be included (this is particularly important if you are asking the Mayor/Deputy Mayor to thank individuals or sponsors). If considering the use of microphones please ensure they work, and that there is a spare if the one in use breaks down during the speech. Please also be aware that if the Mayor/Deputy Mayor is to use a written speech then a handheld microphone will not be convenient either have a boom microphone stand or a radio microphone. Consider also if using a lectern that the Mayor may not be 6'6" tall likewise if the Mayor/Deputy Mayor is to read at the venue that the lighting is sufficient to allow this.
  5. Where possible, the civic chauffeur accompanies the Mayor/Deputy Mayor throughout all events. Please ensure that the chauffeur knows where he can park. If the event is a long one you may also need to consider some refreshment for the Mayor's chauffeur.
  6. Verbal address:
    The Mayor, Mister Mayor (male), Madam Mayor (female)
    The Mayoress/Consort, Madam Mayoress (female), Mister Consort (male)
    The Deputy Mayor, Mister Deputy Mayor (male), Madam Deputy Mayor (female)
    The Deputy Mayoress/Consort, Madam Deputy Mayoress (female), Mister Deputy Consort (male)
  7. The Mayoress/Consort has no civic standing but may accompany the Mayor/Deputy Mayor on all occasions.
  8. The Mayor/Deputy Mayor should always be introduced to other guests.
  9. There are occasions at events, for instance at formal concerts, presentations and shows, when the Mayor/Deputy Mayor should be announced into a room and all guests should remain standing until the mayoral party sits down (please contact the Mayor's secretary for clarification if necessary). At certain engagements, for example at formal concerts, presentations and shows, time should always be allowed for the mayoral party's departure (an announcement may be necessary so others at the event are aware). This is to prevent outcomes such as any unnecessary queues or crowding, which may delay the Mayor/Deputy Mayor attending the following engagement. Similarly, outcomes such as unnecessary queues or crowding must also be avoided during functions, for example at intervals or when buffets or other refreshments are served. Again, an announcement may be necessary (please contact the Mayor's Secretary for clarification). When a buffet is being provided at an event, again to avoid outcomes such as unnecessary queues or crowding it's strongly suggested that the Mayor/Deputy Mayor 'opens' the buffet.
  10. At a formal event, the seat reserved for the Mayor/Deputy Mayor should be on the immediate right and for the Mayoress/Consort or Deputy Mayoress/Consort on the immediate left of the person presiding, and in the middle of the front row at events such as concerts and shows.
  11. The Mayor/Deputy Mayor should always arrive last at engagements held in Rochdale so please time events correctly.
  12. In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, the Mayor (as the first citizen) shall have precedence in the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale on all occasions except when a Royal or a representative of the Queen is present.
  13. It should be remembered that the Mayor is the first citizen of the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale and the Deputy Mayor, when representing the Mayor, acts in a similar capacity.
  14. It should be remembered that the position of Mayor is non-political and should not give prominence to any one party political group, and should always be respected as such. Please do not cause embarrassment at functions by approaching the Mayor to discuss political topics.

Contact Mayor's Office

Telephone: Click to call 01706 924796

Address: Mayor's Office
c/o Governance Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm