Planning briefs and Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and guidance

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) build on and provide additional guidance to help in the interpretation of our core strategy.

We create SPDs to help you, especially if you're a developer, better understand:

  • The intentions of our local plan.
  • The steps you'll need to go through to submit a planning application.
  • The information you'll need to supply to support a planning application for these sites.

Adopted SPDs

View our adopted SPDs about:

Proposed SPDs

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is coordinating the production of 2 joint SPDs that relate to the Places for Everyone (PfE) plan.

  • Holcroft Moss Planning Obligations SPD: seeks to provide further guidance on how the developers plan to make sure the new development doesn't harm the protected habitats and species of Holcroft Moss.
  • South Pennine Moors SPD: seeks to provide further guidance on how the developers will make sure the new development doesn't harm the protected habitats and species of the South Pennine Moors.

Draft versions of these SPDs have been approved for public consultation. More information about these SPDs from the GMCA.


Contact Strategic Planning team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 924252

Address: Strategic Planning
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9.15am–5.15pm