Neighbourhood plans

How to create a plan

We've created a step-by-step guide for creating a neighbourhood plan.

The average length of time the complete process takes is generally between 2-3 years. It's up to you and your community to decide how quickly or slowly you proceed with creating the plan.

View guide to creating a neighbourhood plan


Grants of up to £17,000 are available from the government to help you create a neighbourhood plan.

The cost of creating a neighbourhood plan varies depending on the complexity and size of your plan.

We can also cover some of the costs involved, such as the examination, formal consultation and referendum but funding for all other costs must be met by you.

Costs you'll need to cover could include:

  • Hosting consultation or information events
  • Publicising the plan, consultation and referendum
  • Producing copies of the plan
  • Consulting with professional bodies

View grant funding available for neighbourhood plans

Contact Strategic Planning team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 924252

Address: Strategic Planning
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9.15am–5.15pm